
Showing posts from April, 2019

Post Nº4: My Favorite TV Series

My favorite TV series of all time is definitely Breaking Bad. It is available on Netflix and I have watched 3 times already and, every time I start watching it, I keep discovering new clues about the plot and new personality traits about the characters as well. Everything on this show is well executed, the acting, the direction of each episode and the dialogues. The usage of songs and background music is really interesting as well. Surely, it has a slow pace sometimes but, from the very first episode, you will get hooked. This TV series has the most emotionally charged, tragic and perfect finale and, if you watch it and you like it, it’s going to be hard to decide when to stop watching the episodes. It also shows how practical knowledge of Science is useful in ‘special’ ways, for instance, to become a millionaire or to escape from a tricky situation. Undoubtedly,  Heisenberg is one of my favorite fictional characters of all times. TASK Nº4 - My Favorite TV Series Instruction

Post Nº3: My Favorite Technological Device

My favorite technological device is my laptop, I use it every day because is a really useful tool in my daily life as a teacher. With a good Internet connection, I can chat with friends from other countries, I can watch movies and TV series, I can download music or listen to it on streaming and I can watch or read the news around the world. One thing I like about my laptop is that I can use it as any other of my technological devices. For instance, I can see and edit the contents on my cellphone and my tablet from my laptop, without using any wires. In general, my laptop is one of the most important tools for my work since I use it to check and grade my students’ assignments, to plan and create my lessons, to check my students’ messages and to read their Blog posts, among others many other tasks. What about you? What's your favorite technological device? TASK Nº3 - My Favorite Technological Device Instructions: -Tell us about your favorite technological device.

Post Nº2: Why did you choose this study programme?

Since I was 10 years old, one of my biggest dreams was to become an English language teacher. I remember when I was in 7 th  grade, I used to help all my classmates with their homework and my average marks were between 6.8/7.0 Why I decided to study English teaching then? Well, English is a universal language which can help you understand the world, so it is important in life because it’s one of the easiest ways to communicate with people around the globe. I truly consider it a great tool for facing the real world. When I started to teach my classmates, they were capable to understand me and then, our relatives and family friends started to ask me to teach their children English, to help them to improve their marks at school, and they did great. And this is how I became a teacher. Nowadays, I can say that the thing that I like the most is that when I teach, every day is different and it represents a challenge, and I simply love it. What about you? Why did you choose this study pro

Post Nº1 - My Autobiography: Who am I?

My name is Yasna and I am an English language teacher. I decided to become a teacher when I was in 7th grade. I used to help my classmates with the English assignments and in return, they helped me with Math, which was one of the most difficult subjects for me. When I started high school, I started to learn about different fields, and I started to develop some interest in History and Art as well. This is why when I finished school, I was very confused. I didn't know what career to follow. Was it going to be English, History or Art? In the end, I decided to become an English language teacher and today, I couldn’t be any happier with my decision.  Now, you tell me something important about your life! TASK Nº1 - My Auto Biography: Who am I? Instructions: -Create your blog account. -Share the link of your account as a comment on the comments section below this post. -Write an auto biography focusing your attention on one important event in your life. -You can write about