
Task Nº10: Evaluation of the Blog Experience

I remember some time ago a friend told me ‘you should start a blog’ and I said ‘Ha! What would I blog about?’. Sharing personal experiences isn’t an easy task and that was my main concern. However, this year I had to do it as part of my job, to model the blog post activities to you all, my beloved students. The first lesson I learned was that it definitely takes some time to write each post. I didn’t realize how much it will be until post number 3 or 4. Additionally, besides writing the actual post you have to decide the photos or videos that will go along with your entry. It was hard work for all of us, but I think it was really interesting as well. I got the chance to get to know you better and to share experiences. In this sense, blogging can be very rewarding. And now that we’ve come to an end, I realized that it was one of the assessments with which I really had a good time writing and reading them. What about your experience? How was it? TASK Nº10 – Evalua

Task Nº9: My Favorite Food

Pasta is my favorite food  and it’s also  the world’s favorite food. Before writing this post, I did some research and I found out that a survey taken in 17 countries confirmed that pasta is what people like to eat the most.  Pasta has become popular   for one thing :  because it is cheap and easy to prepare. Just cook noodles or other forms of pasta, make a sauce to go with it and you r lunch or dinner is ready . Many different types of meals can be  prepared  with pasta.  Also, i t tastes good and produces energy in the form of carbohydrates, which is why athletes eat pasta regularly.  As a product, it has some advantages as well. For example, it can  be kept  in the cabinet  for a longer  period of  time. You don’t have to  cook  it   at once.   However, and even though everyone knows that this dish is cheap, people still pay a large amount of money for it when eating out. The cheapness of this dish is crucial to its success and its continued popularity. In short, I

Task Nº8: A subject you enjoyed studying this semester

Instagram and Coffee Houses Around the World Have you noticed how decoration in some places has become really familiar nowadays? Just to name an example, it has happened that in different places, for instance, a sushi house or a coffee shop, I have spotted similar decoration items, such as old bicycles and license plates, a combination of wood and brick walls, white walls and indoor plants, among others. Well, I started  wondering  about this and I decided to look into the web, and I found a phenomenon that some people call ‘first globe aesthetic’. These people claimed that thanks to  Instagram  and its design trends, today many people around the globe are replicating room designs and furniture arrangement they had  previously  seen on  Instagram . To see if this was true, they decided to take different examples of coffee shops ambiances and decoration. They not only proved that  cafes  are starting to look the same around the world but  also , when they asked the owners about the s