Task Nº10: Evaluation of the Blog Experience

I remember some time ago a friend told me ‘you should start a blog’ and I said ‘Ha! What would I blog about?’. Sharing personal experiences isn’t an easy task and that was my main concern. However, this year I had to do it as part of my job, to model the blog post activities to you all, my beloved students. The first lesson I learned was that it definitely takes some time to write each post. I didn’t realize how much it will be until post number 3 or 4. Additionally, besides writing the actual post you have to decide the photos or videos that will go along with your entry. It was hard work for all of us, but I think it was really interesting as well. I got the chance to get to know you better and to share experiences. In this sense, blogging can be very rewarding. And now that we’ve come to an end, I realized that it was one of the assessments with which I really had a good time writing and reading them.

What about your experience? How was it?

TASK Nº10 – Evaluation of the Blog Experience


-Tell us about your experience while writing the blog posts.

Remember to include:

-Just tell us your experience, no extra rules this time.
-Add some gadgets.
-Word count: 190 to 210 words.

-Finally, don't forget to write comments on at least 3 of your classmates' posts.


  1. https://esmeraldanon.blogspot.com/2019/06/a-loved-experience.html

    Javiera Costas! :)

  2. https://paula-verdugo.blogspot.com/2019/06/a-good-task.html?m=1 Paula Verdugo

  3. https://inglesiiijuanjosesalfate.blogspot.com/2019/06/an-old-story.html

    Juan José Salfate M.

  4. https://elblogdelburno.blogspot.com/2019/06/about-blogging-and-stuttering-my-english.html - Bruno Huanchicay Vega

  5. https://melisacastilloartes.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-last-post.html Melisa Castillo

  6. https://ayaka48.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-end.html?m=1
    Tala Zúñiga

  7. https://sol2609.blogspot.com/2019/06/thinking-in-english-3.html
    solange cruz

  8. https://panpanfrances.blogspot.com/2019/06/to-say-with-blogs.html

    Diana Pérez Méndez

  9. https://betonava94.blogspot.com/2019/06/my-experience-with-blogs.html

    Humberto Navarrete Medina

  10. https://patoanonimoeningles.blogspot.com/2019/06/faster-writer.html

  11. https://palapaworld.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-blog-experience.html?m=1

    Paola Villa Rodríguez

  12. https://michiaprendenglish.blogspot.com/2019/07/only-blog.html Michelle Urqueta


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